Cover Book

Team in Contactweg Amsterdam
it turns out that we are in book with our LightupCane!
Cover Book
Team in Contactweg Amsterdam
it turns out that we are in book with our LightupCane!
Geniuses at work
Prototyping anti-roll away
The first Make Health Open Evening took place on November 14 in the Waag Amsterdam. More than 10 technicians accepted the challenge of improving the Marchena Lightupcane in one evening. Surprising ideas came out. On the Photos you can see a small impression of a successful evening.
Thursday 18 April there was an exhibition of Make Health III in Contact 020.
Contact Amsterdam is a maker space aimed to support and promote sustainable projects.
Presentation stand of the Marchena Light-up Cane
Debby is standing in front of the various light-emitting Blind Canes
The Team presented their prototypes during a very well attended “Make Health” presentation. A total of 13 project teams proudly demonstrated their accomplishments.
The reason why private persons create solutions that people around them need differ, but they generally fall into three categories. The Solutions that exist are too expensive, they suck or simply do not exist yet. The team at “De Waag” help the team develop their Solution from Conceptual to Practical Prototype.
As did Debby’s Team. Her team had a bit of a head start on the other teams, because Debby had a clear vision of what the product would have to do. Her challenge was to get the right materials, only include the bare necessities and create a product that can stand the daily abuse of commuter travel and being slammed into objects all the time.
First the team prepared the presentation table and laid out the different prototypes the team created. Once this task was completed, we all joined the kick-off presentation in the Media room.
Paulien did a great presentation about the why and future the of Make Health platform careables.org. She also conducted a very interesting interview with the panel.
Then the audience went by each project demonstration. The pictures speak for themselves.